September 2023

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Coming Soon from Purpose Built Families

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  • Section I explains the emotional aspects of intimate relationships and offers a Relationship Road Map as the conceptual guide for your journey.
  • Section II focuses on communication: the art of talking and listening, mind reading, avoiding misunderstandings, and addressing conflicts and differences that are a natural part of any close relationship.
  • Section III offers a guide to understanding ourselves and our intimate partners through exploring our early conditioning, beliefs, invisible ledgers, hidden expectations, the rules we learned that may limit us today, and the integration of our unique personalities.
  • Section IV invites pleasuring through bonding, sensuality and sexuality.
  • Section V offers access to all your learnings through the Intimacy Tool Kit.

Practical Exercises for Successful Relationships ®

Exercises for 13 Invaluable Relationship Lessons:

  1. Satisfy your biological need for that combination of physical closeness and emotional openness which is called “bonding”
  2. Recognize when your communication style is more of a problem than the actual problem about which you are communicating
  3. Develop the ability to feel genuine empathy for intimates, instead of secret resentment
  4. Express your feelings so that they can be recognized without causing intimates to feel resentful, overwhelmed, manipulated, or inadequate
  5. Avoid the mind reading that so often leads to misunderstanding between intimates, learn to avoid assumptions and not to expect that “if you loved me, you would know”
  6. Express and accept anger without destroying intimacy
  7. Fight in a way that you actually address and resolve issues
  8. Acknowledge and enjoy the differences between you and an intimate partner, rather than seeing them as threats
  9. Trace your family’s emotional history so that you can uncover the hidden expectations that may be influencing your relationships
  10. Reconsider past decisions that may be sabotaging intimacy today
  11. Recognize the different roles you and intimate others play, and how they work or don’t work together
  12. Learn the difference between affection, comfort, tenderness, bonding, sensuality, and sexuality so that sex is not your only avenue to closeness
  13. Negotiate relationships you and those intimate others with whom you share your life can live with joyfully

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